Certified Coach & Tourism Consulting

Build your community through hands-on tourism consulting &
product development with Jan as your secret weapon.

Experienced. Success-focused. Opportunity Creator.

Ask me about my exclusive community building workshop for municipalities, Chamber of Commerce, BIA's and business owners/entrepreneurs.  The ImmerseXplore Workshop: Where experiential tourism meets local is a workshop exclusively designed to build capacity in communities that experience the wave of tourism season highs and lows. We will look at all angles so you are able to maximize the revenue and loyalty opportunity of social media, walk-in, and relationship building with tourists and locals alike.

As an experienced visitor & tourism operator focused in the areas of culinary, building community, art & ag-food tourism in rural Ontario, my experience as an award-winning community influencer will be brought to the table to look at the big picture of your tourism focus and how visitors are impacting your community. 

Jan has experience working on Tourism Relief Fund and Ontario Trillium Foundation projects developing tourism product, and as a consultant building a sustainable strategy plan.

Jan’s scope of support is also working directly with businesses in creating plans to enhance their focus of opportunity while embracing the local landscape to build a multi-pronged tourism revenue model. At Create Your Virtual Influence, we are action-focused.